Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Wait, Where’d It Go?


WOW!  This hole mining is great!  So far we’ve pulled about 130 million ISK outta these belts.  I’ve even got some “raiding” experience now - the grav sites are pretty rare right now at home, but the alliance got lucky out scanning.  

That belt one system over they found was perfect - high value stuff and no one at home in the local tower.  And let me get some stick time on the Covetor; leveler heads prevailed and I left the Hulk at home.  It’d be kinda embarrassing to lose two in such short time - even if one WASN’T MY FAULT!


In an example of lucky timing, just as we were finishing up with that belt, a high-sec exit popped up.  After a short rest break, it was time to strap into Nice II and haul all that pretty pretty ore to the refinery.  (And man that took a while.  I hope James can save up and get that freighter soon!)

And of course, I just had to get over-confident.  Things were going so well, I figured it would be the perfect time to hop in a shuttle and get Bruge in-system.  Out I go to start the 20+ jumps, already thinking about how nice it would be to have a fighter on hand for those times I need to clear out some Sleepers before I can make money.

Back I arrive at the high-sec with the way home, all set to dock up hit the bunk and... um, where’s the entrance?  Whaddya mean the wormhole collapsed?!?  Now what do I do?

And more importantly, how do I make any money?

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