Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Wormhole Living Travels at a Worm’s Pace


Man, life is a slog right now.  With only two of us capsuleers left, there’s barely ever a time where we cross paths.  I’m either out in the belts, turning wrenches, or catching sack time; and I’ve got no clue what the boss is up to - important boss stuff I bet!

I’ve not even seen anything of Kyber - a brief flit in the local comms, but that was it.  

And James, I haven’t crossed paths with him at all since he left us.  Although it looks like he’s honoring his commitments to us...  boss was able to get a bunch of ore out to K-Space, and James hauled it to the refinery.  Of course, I have no way to get to it!

It’s very tough to adjust to the pace here in the hole.  In K-Space, I’d have market orders flowing all over, and taking advantage of those who forget to add to the value chain by refining first!  And during down time, I could check in with the guys over at Astral and see if they need any help with stuff - a little you-scratch-mine, I’ll-scratch-yours.

Here though...  At least the alliance folks are proving good company.  Smart thing boss did - hooking up with them.  They’ve even managed to get a Rorqual in system!  There’s no point even trying to claim I’m not jealous...  that’s even shinier than the freighter James got his hands on!

All I know for sure: if I don’t get a path to K-Space and the refinery soon, we’re going to have very thin paychecks this cycle!

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