Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Life has been much simpler for RECLT since FCO left Faction Warfare.  Hell, we were able to have quite the little fleet mining op Friday night, and didn’t get disturbed once.  And it’s sooo nice to be able to fly the Itty around picking up supplies without constantly checking for folks who’ve managed to duck the Fed Navy’s ever (un)watchful eyes...

But this got me thinking: we’re loyal to the Federation, and support its goals fully.  But it makes no sense at all that to best serve, we have to hide our allegiance.  Our strengths are industry, mining, building, and supplying materiel for the war effort.  I’ve heard the drunken rants from the fighter pilots in the bars, with their grand plans of “if I wuz in charge, this heres what I’d do...”  But I’ve heard very little about helping those of us who fight with our wallets rather than bullets.

(Full disclosure: I overheard a hot Minmatar pilot mentioning most of these ideas [Big Picture, Docking, Occupancy, Sandbox], and it got me thinking how it would apply to someone who fights with ISK, not bullets.)

(Oh, and I would love to sell you some bullets if you need them!)

System Ownership

Right now, if our brave boys and girls do manage to manage to push the scum out of a system and gain ownership, nothing actually changes.  It seems like ownership is just one more way for the soldiers to whip them out onto the table and compare sizes - ultimately useless and good for nothing but a laugh.

(Um, and I guess the girls compare cup sizes?  I dunno...)

Sure, the Fed Navy is supposed to respond.  James, Tycho, and I have all see just how uber effective that is!  If we control the system, it should make life hell for any enemy trying to operate in-system.  

If they’re able to survive the gates and the valiant freedom fighters defending the system, they sure as hell shouldn’t be able to just dock at any Fed Navy station.

And hey, I have no problem with them being allowed to dock at other stations - after all, they need to be able to buy my goods!  But I see no reason to allow them full station access - or at least not full access at the same prices I pay.  

OHIP: Ownership Hath Its Privileges...  You wanna repair that damage you incurred running the gauntlet?  Fine, but you’re gonna pay one sweet markup!  Clones?  Sure, why not!  Just bend over first so I can get every last ISK - we need to finance the war efforts somehow...

Dedicated Marketplace

I support the Federation.

I also support having a huge balance in my wallet.

But I see no reason why I can’t support the troops and gouge those who choose not to align, or those who actively align against us.

Give me a place where I can fly the flag, and bring my strengths to the effort.  Give me a dedicated FW marketplace, where only other loyalists can list and buy items.  And to make sure it’s not filled with turncoats and folks hiding their true allegiance - make me earn my way in with standings.  If I haven’t proved my worth, than why should the Federation reward me with exclusive market access?

Surely the Fed Navy and others can afford the competition to their LP Stores.  

(Practical note:  any FW member could access and buy from the FW Marketplace.  But to be able to list items, you should need a certain standing.  Or, have fees to list that decrease based on higher standings.  And make those fees actually noticeable, to drive the incentive to improve standings.)

And adding to OHIP:  Have these marketplaces only at the Fed Navy (or other FW “base” stations) in systems, and only allow the marketplaces to exist while we own the system.  Lose ownership?  Permanently lose the goods listed on the market, and the new owners get a portion of the market as loot drops!  

How’s that for linking the industrialist and the soldier, making us actually care about how each is faring?

Cultural Bonuses

One of my biggest bones to pick here...  Gallente technology has so much to offer, but are you really telling me the Industrial Military Complex can’t find a way to eke out a few extra points of armor or damage accessible only to those willing to fight for the cause?

And while we’re at it, can’t they find a way to inhibit the same ships from performing optimally for the enemy?  

We’re fighting for the Federation, the least they can do is reward us.

Let Us Fight Too

I can barely hit the broad side of a planet with my turrets, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to help.  But hey, you gotta make it worth it.  If showing my colors does nothing but cost me ISK and make me a target, then why would I do it?

After all, the Federation is all about free choice and maximizing our potential (earnings)...

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