Monday, January 16, 2012

She Ain’t My Sister


Apparently in order to build a POS in high-sec space, we must first kowtow and genuflect before the mighty Gallente Federation.  

Before we can anchor anything, our standing towards them must be at least 5.0.
Before we can build ships, components, ammunition that help the Federation in their quest for power, our standing towards them must be at least 5.0.
Before we can bring greater revenues to the Federation through taxes (completely fair and not-at-all oppressive taxes, really, trust me), our standing towards them must be at least 5.0.
Before we can expand the reputation of the Federation as a viable place to obtain goods at a reasonable price, our standing towards them must be at least 5.0.
Before we can show the superiority of the Federation’s policies and how they encourage the entrepreneur, our standing towards them must be at least 5.0.
Before we can show how the small businessmen of the Federation best serve the customers’ needs, our standing towards them must be at least 5.0.

Federation of freedom and opportunity, my ass...

So, to meet this mythical standing, reputation, reliability, or whatever they want to call it, we have to go scraping at the feet of their cronies for handouts.

(Ok, I might be overreacting a little, but c’mon - why they gotta make it so hard to avoid manufacturing fees? Really, who actually likes paying taxes?)

Polix and James both tell me, one of the best ways to get my standings up is running missions for the Sisters of Eve.  I hope SoE can do something useful for me - at least with Astral I can refine tax-free.  But these Sisters and their religious stuff...  I dunno - seems like just another way to fleece your customers.  

Only they’ve found the ultimate sales pitch - give over your money, and get a warm happy feeling in return.  That sounds like the most cost-effective product ever to sell; no raw materials needed, nothing to manufacture, no inventory to transport or maintain.  (Wish I’d thought of it first...)

Oh well, as long as they pay well.

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